Diario Prensa de Correrias de Caracas

Diario María Eugenia Rivillo, es un Diario prensa mensual.
Un periodico de Correrias Dispuesto para narrar temas menores de la cuidad de Caracas.
Una Prensa de Arquitectura, Musica, Religion, Cuentos y Alma Antigua.

martes, 5 de febrero de 2013


Apples founding of the city of Caracas is characterized by orthogonal dad, urbanization of silence is an urban intervention that is characteristic for being part of the culmination of the axis of the Avenida Bolívar, at the end or start the strip, formed into lines radiating center of rotation as the source, this creates a new distribution point of the axes of the city forming a diagonal which in turn form the new diagonal blocks of the city.The clash between the city and the city orthogonal radial creates a hybrid, which is not orthogonal blocks the view of passers pervivirse not be seen or only measurable but not noticeable, the radial axes form a shock wave that distorts the orthogonality apple. The principle of the apple deformity caused by urban interventions is based on Pythagorean principle of sound. Pythagoras experience consisted of watching the fall of a stone into the water, dropping the stone into the water, being creates a ripple in a circle, when a body wave is involved in establishing an Atonement Sling shock, unregulated by the principle of 1:3 or 1:5 or π principle, this distortion is measurable only by the butterfly effect theory. When mixed with the previous hybrid urban informal neighborhood response January 23 and observatory Cajigal urban movement responds to the topography, the urban theories apply not only sends structured nature.Beyond the formal concepts of the formation of the city, the city neighborhoods in Caracas are often marked by the topography, organized by the dictates of nature and the human mind.The Formal city in Venezuela only 30% at best and 70% urban topography to the minimum.The urban concepts learned in the books pages are only experimental and perfumes conceptual city of formality, caracas city of constant city and hybrids.Author: Maria Eugenia Rivillo

Joaquín Cortés presenta espectáculo en Madrid DICEN DE MI

UN TEMA TEMA Joaquín Cortés - Dicen de Mi - Teatro Caser Calderón - Part 1.

UN CANON Joaquín Cortés - Dicen de Mi - Teatro Caser Calderón - Part 2.

La ejecución del Fragmento de la Obra DICEN DE MI se caracteriza porque funciona como un canon donde la bailarina crea un taconeo idéntico al que ejerce Joaquín Cortes , en el momento que muestra el tema de Soledad, al tiempo que repiquetea como si corriera por el tiempo, repiquetea por el palpitar de la muerte.

La bailarina ejecuta la misma rítmica mostrando la perspectiva de la emoción desde el punto de vista de una mujer, o la soledad de una mujer, tal vez su hermana o su tía.

La diferencia entre ella y Joaquín es que Joaquín siente el dolor de la perdida, ella solo está en la lontananza de la ausencia, un ser que no se emociona solo se desplaza.

El concepto es impecable, se muestra un tema y luego muestra la perspectiva desde el punto de vista de las mujeres que aman a Joaquín, es decir, sus parientes.
Autor: Eugenia Rivillo