Diario Prensa de Correrias de Caracas

Diario María Eugenia Rivillo, es un Diario prensa mensual.
Un periodico de Correrias Dispuesto para narrar temas menores de la cuidad de Caracas.
Una Prensa de Arquitectura, Musica, Religion, Cuentos y Alma Antigua.

martes, 27 de agosto de 2013

Empleadas Violan Derechos Humanos en Inmigracion de Nuevo Circo.

Autor: Maria Eugenia Rivillo Orellana

En la Oficina de Inmigración de la estación de Nuevo Circo, de Caracas Venezuela las empleadas Violan los Derechos Humanos de los Usuarios Religiosos.
En la Oficina de Inmigración Ubicada en la estación Nuevo circo, el día 26 de agosto de 2013, una funcionaria publica de esta estación, me solicito que me quitara los Rosarios, a las personas que consideraban cristianas le pidieron que se colocara un suertes, mientras que en otras ocasiones las mujeres fueron a tomarse la foto de identificación con camisas mangas cortas y escotes profundos. Al día siguiente el 27 de agosto del 2013, una las empleadas en la Oficina, me mando a desalojar es espacio de espera al publico, mientras estaba chateando, para poder verificar esta información, se deberá verificar el video de la  oficina la  oficia entre las 2:15 y las 2:30pm del 27 de agosto del 2013.
Si esto paso con un cristiano ¿Qué no podría ocurrir con una familia musulmana? ¿Que ocurriría con un Santero, que no puede quitarse sus collares?, exhorto a las autoridades competentes a supervisar todo el sistema nacional de Inmigración, en especial, el de la estación de Metro de Nuevo Circo.

Nadie debe ser despreciado por raza credo o religión, la Ley Respetando La Virtud y Honor.

Immigration in Venezuela

Author: Maria Eugenia Rivillo Orellana

Security in Venezuela is located in the last echelon of performance, the robberies are of a degree of insolence atrocious.
At the time of theft criminals often not return the documents, following the practice of document retrieval, is proceeding in everyday life, to restore our own identification.
The old slowness is in the past, document security but leaves much to be desired.
The document is easily Venezuela Venezuelan falsificadle, the state is characterized by being in the absence of protocol used, it is common in the centers where issued identification documents, employees tend encontrase Chatting on phones or network, can pass information anywhere.
Treatment with the officers should be preferred, since they are subject to licensing, with little time, sometimes one day licenses. The officials, often create rules to organize the system, which can leave a server outside of the country (people's army, air force, Marian and police force), without these tittle is leveraged or recommended, to avoid a penalty the army, or an afternoon game in port.
In the state of Tachira, get false identification documents or originals with other names are never hard to find, although you have to search the underworld of the city. This kind of identification is usually kept Venezuelan create new Colombian origin, Venezuelans who were not born and occupy the country's budget.
Those working in Venezuelan immigration should never are using their personal phones and their CoreOS.
Never shall be located outside of your work area shall not occupy the spaces for users.
They should never be with revelry during working hours, the Immigration officials in Venezuela and Documentation shall not have human rights violations with as discriminating a person's race or religion created.
In the Immigration Station Nuevo Circo, Caracas Venezuela employees Violate Human Rights of Religious Users.
In the Immigration Office Located in New Circus station, on August 26, 2013, an official publication of this season, I request that you remove the rosaries to people perceived Christian asked him luck stuck a while at other times the women were to take a photo ID with short sleeves shirts and plunging necklines. The next day, August 27, 2013, one the employees in the office, sent me to vacate is the public waiting area, while chatting, to verify this information, you should check out the video of the official office between 2:15 and 2:30 pm on August 27, 2013.
If this happened to a Christian What could not happen to a Muslim family? What would happen with Santero, you can not remove their collars?, Urge the competent authorities to monitor the entire national system of immigration, especially the Metro station of New Circus.
No one should be despised by race creed or religion.

miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2013


The Masonic Lodge of Venezuela, is a tool of Islamization:

The people who are living Masonry in Venezuela, are introduced in sixth religious, associated with Islam.
People who had their respective religions, like Catholicism Jews, the Santeros or other religions, with the free exercise of their religion as human and constitutional rights so require, humiliated forbidding the profession of his faith publicly.
People are usually converted to esotericism, which is condemned in all religions and sixth associated with Christianity, bringing poverty, and violating the privacy of individuals.
For them God is not there, and that statement can be considered a violation to violation of Human Rights, "every human being has the right to profess their religion."
The Masonic Lodge, the obligation dare logical order, taught in Venezuela, Muslim customs converting people who are inside the lodge on "Associate res Islam", introducing partially Muslim customs in everyday life of Mason.
Just realize that they were raised as Muslims when seeking a woman to marry, when he recommended that if this love were dispossessed white gold, and a single ring as a Muslim husband. This woman loved, it's not Freemason called matron, steward.
The ancient custom was marrying a Rosicrucian Mason outside this temple or not.

Auto: Maria Eugenia Rivillo Orellana.