Diario Prensa de Correrias de Caracas

Diario María Eugenia Rivillo, es un Diario prensa mensual.
Un periodico de Correrias Dispuesto para narrar temas menores de la cuidad de Caracas.
Una Prensa de Arquitectura, Musica, Religion, Cuentos y Alma Antigua.

domingo, 4 de enero de 2015

No escorted or amis children.

They are informed all that concerns them this information, the Prrpietaria this Media Newspapers, never accepts any esoterica action, never accepts escort someone, Miss Maria Eugenia Rivillo Orellana, does not accept the Futura or present Wife son of Architect Meneses, in Venezuela, to the person who is pestering, you INFOMA to be sanctioned by the damage it has done to the creator of this Press, will be judged by religious Danor.

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