Diario Prensa de Correrias de Caracas

Diario María Eugenia Rivillo, es un Diario prensa mensual.
Un periodico de Correrias Dispuesto para narrar temas menores de la cuidad de Caracas.
Una Prensa de Arquitectura, Musica, Religion, Cuentos y Alma Antigua.

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

Warning : The Reiki Shihan are Dangerous

In western alternative therapists are not covered by insurance , the reason is the lack of credibility of therapists , education of these therapists is not standardized by any university , the United States of North America , sulen have state laws to give the permisologia to work with patients .Reiki is considered an alternative , noninvasive accepted by the world health organization , in the case of alternative therapists who practice Reiki , in any of its versions , are monitored to recognize if encuentrar a stable mental health , say some may be considered unfit for Work Related by patients, in some states can supervicion avarcar from tracking , supervision, and review of houses to see if they are in mental health. If state considers that the person is unsuitable for elt time with patients, Reiki Masters suspension could end suffering Passport and sabotage in identification documents .Many people relizan Reiki therapy is not invasiba , but when studying to become teachers , the mental stability of the person may be in danger , that when the future ocurrre Reiki Master is introduced into the esoteric , esoteric practices can damage reiligiones of the people, but often esoteric exercise control over their Disciples , or students that have in their study group .The Reiki Ho , is organized travez a precidencia that organizes formerly the Shihan authorized to teach Reiki in the West wore Ho teraqpeutica and esoteric teaching without having ejerser control and domination over the people who are still students , but im always existed malicious reikistas group often exert control over students , losing independence sierta way to do the job .Today from Japan stab sending antigtuamente Venezuela Manuel Millan rules did not apply Shihan Cruz , which was tuned to studying masters student , only to Shinpiden capabilities , but former students at the Masters in longer periods of time to tune up Shihan , ie astral tuning ( to understand the common esoteric ) or remotely.The Shihan Manuel Cruz Millan , never exercised control over the students, only begged him to carry out certain tasks , the Foundation , the courses were fully paid and organized in the academic environment of a system .Shihan Japoneces The activities organized in the middle ogareño classes where dicipulo lives with the teacher, the students were ciendo controlled from ocudem .The technique of control for poor students , is the technique of the hook , this hook feels like a fishing hook at the base of the skull , obeniendo at cerbical physical damage , if you have any joint ostium condition . Currently the Hook Reiki ( desconosco your name in Japanese) , this ciendo used in all or most of the students , in spite of being good students .Students who studied with Manuel Cruz Millan Shihan never damaged the hook because it applies not only to supervise students only use esoteric ear .When a person is controlled with hooks esoteric , could end up dead, they could exercise control over the person until you push dislocate .Some theories Reiki believe that when a person tune in Reiki , can cause deaths , thank you for giving life , right through the light necessary death there .Rumours say that some shihan of Asian origin in the actulidad are in Venezuela , have suffered the loss of their legal parents , thanks to this. They are forced to tune to relatives, for example if the child is a Reiki Master , is required to tune to the parents but then she ejerse control over their parents, those who do not accept humble in that way, the shihan are abusing or attempting to kill loved ones .Here in Venezuela , there are Oriental Shihan near the corner of Avenida Urdaneta Animas , Caracas , Venezuela , parecierean inifensivos , but his superiors or Japanese Teachers are dangers , puts the hook and also want to put poor people then Shihan grade , want to take the fortune to millionaires and force people to work for workers. Some students are humiliated getting pregnant .Never accept study Reiki .Some famous people who wanted sintonintonizarse international Showbiz in Japan, were asked to placed on women who wanted as Reiki wife waiting list , is that an international Famous Dancer having your parents deceased and that he had gotten his soul mate, the shihan kill to tune the thought that ancestor tubiera as his soul mate.People who do good Reiki ( in any form ) , are logeneral religious people who avoid the esoteric practice , the religious have not killing as presepto therefore haceptan never be esoteric . The religion meets the presepto Reiki " Onrad the ancestors " meaning practice religion your parents taught them . Although Reiki has no Religion, this content through Buddhist concepts and Shintoists , for Christians and Muslims Reiki is a complication , for the concept of God and the world of spirits .Those who study esoteric esoteric to the learning reuncian not Japanese , can be dangerous because they might want to dominate a person , or perhaps kill her.After the irregularity of Reiki glimpse simply just have one question What would happen if a Shihan would engage in a politician , the answer would be highly dangerous , pordría wrong , the day taking a decisicion importantly, could make mistakes .Never you study Reiki Ho with Eastern today , or rather never you study Reiki Ho , could surround death.

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